College 2 Life

Helping People Learn how to FInd Great Jobs

A college education is a substantial investment in both time and money. Students will spend any where from 2 to 10+ years of their adult lives, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars, in the pursuit of an education.

And yet far too many students leave college unemployed, underemployed, with limited job prospects, heavy debt burdens, and/or no clear path forward. Studies estimate recent college graduates experience unemployment rates ranging anywhere from 20 to 50%; and an average student loan debt of $30k+.

Our mission at College 2 Life is four fold.

  1. Help students identify, and focus on, achieve what they want to get out of their college experience

  2. Help student understand the many resources available to them at their schools

  3. Help students understand the job market and how they can make themselves competitive

  4. Help students navigate the application, interview, and negotiation processes for jobs

In today's global market, finding a good job is more competitive than ever, but that doesn't mean that new graduates can't be successful. Our staff have extensive experience finding employment in industries ranging from small start-ups, to fortune 500 companies, to non-profits, state/federal government, as well as international jobs. Register your school career center or college department today for our seminar geared specifically toward college students and recent graduates.